Some of the Port Aransas bird areas are still under reconstruction, but we were able to enjoy several of the smaller walks.
Beach activities became our every day life and the sunsets and sunrises were awesome.
After a week in Port Aransas, we decided to go Total Beach, and so we moved a few miles east to Padre Island National Seashore. Here we lived on solar power and woke up and went to sleep to the sounds of the ocean.
Beach walks (and picking up trash) and bird watching were the only tasks we had all day! Great Blue Herons, which are a rarity in Montana, became our every day companions.
Bruce was able to use his drone to get some high altitude pictures.
Ghost crabs, in all sizes, were a source on entertainment and there were so many of them scurrying around at times that it looked like part of the beach itself was moving.
We even performed a rattlesnake rescue on the beach. A large trash container had been emptied and when it was put back, it landed on a rattlesnake. We came upon the trapped snake and were able to lift the container enough that the snake was able to wiggle out. Not sure if he said thanks, but his tail was wagging a bit.
We did have to abandon the beach one night and camp at the visitor center parking lot when a big storm came in. The storm pushed the tide up to the sand dunes and under our coach. It washed out some of our leveling blocks and we had to move mats, equipment and the car to higher ground. We stuck it out one night but then moved the next day, along with most everyone else on the beach.
More to come.